Mental Health
The Manitoba Farmer Wellness Program is specifically for farmers and their families – to offer a safe and flexible way for you to get the help you’re looking for.
The no-cost, short-term counselling program is delivered by professionals with backgrounds in agriculture. Information is completely confidential giving you the peace of mind to remain anonymous when looking for help. Six sessions per individual are available at no cost.
The Do More Agriculture Foundation champions for the mental well-being of all Canadian producers and are changing the culture of Agriculture to one where all producers are encouraged, supported and empowered to take care of their mental wellbeing.
The Do More Agriculture Foundation collaborates with the entire industry to address the state of mental health in Agriculture.
Manitoba Farm, Rural & Northern Support Services (MFRNSS) provides telephone and on-line counselling to farmers, rural and northern Manitobans.
They also offer public education, a volunteer training program, and a monthly Suicide Bereavement Support group. The MFRNSS houses a Rural Mental Health Resource Centre with books, videos and articles related to rural, northern, indigenous, and agricultural mental health.